[tlhIngan Hol] does someone vor a disease or a person ?
mayqel qunen'oS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 06:39:07 PDT 2020
> {nuvvaD rop vor Qel} ghaytan jatlhlu'.
This is an interesting suggestion. I hadn't thought of this possibility.
> 'Iv rop vorta' Qel? 'orwI'vaD 'Iv rop vorta' Qel. ({'Iv} latlh jIyweS yIqel.)
I'm afraid I can't quite understand what you're trying to show me.
"The disease of who has cured the doctor" ?
"The disease of who has the doctor cured for the pilot" ?
These sentences remind me of the Ca'Non {matlh rop} "maltz disease".
But other than that I can't think of anything else.
~ Qa'yIn
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