[tlhIngan Hol] placement of question words with regards to a {-'e'}ed noun

Will Martin willmartin2 at mac.com
Tue Apr 28 07:58:45 PDT 2020

SuStel’s answer is spot on, in terms of the grammar, but I have two points to make:

1. Take any question you can form using a question word (not a yes/no question with {qar’a’}). Consider that there is an answer that uses every word in that sentence except the question word, which provides the answer.

The question word should be placed in the question sentence where the answer word naturally appears in the answering sentence. Sometimes the answer is a noun (for {nuq} or {‘Iv}). Sometimes it’s an adverbial (for {qatlh} or {chay’}. Sometimes it’s a time stamp (for {ghorgh}) or a locative {for {nuqDaq}.

This method gives you the result in every case that SuStel explains the grammar for, in each case.

Maybe there are exceptions to this, but I’m unaware of any.

2. …

Okay, I have only one point to make. SuStel’s answer is already better than what I was intending to offer on the second point.

I’ve been enjoying the clarity and patience of SuStel’s replies, which deserve actual appreciative comment rather than implied agreement through silence.

charghwI’ vaghnerya’ngan

rInpa’ bomnIS be’’a’ pI’.

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