[tlhIngan Hol] Talks with Advanced Klingon Speakers

Jackson Bradley j.monroe.bradley at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 06:13:11 PDT 2020

Hey y'all!

I'm still looking for advanced Klingon speakers willing to do quick chats
over hangouts, skype, or whatever. I'm just looking for speakers to talk
about themselves, their life, what it is they do, etc. Our discussions will
be recorded and uploaded to my Youtube channel for new speakers to a) get
practice listening to real-world, spoken Klingon and b) be introduced to
and be inspired by well-known Klingon speakers.

I've had two greats discussions with two greats guests up until now and
would love to keep doing this series in the near future. Please do contact
me if at all interested!



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