[tlhIngan Hol] can we say {vay' QaQ} ?

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon Apr 6 06:04:35 PDT 2020

In English we can say: "something good has happened", and in case
someone wonders we can say *exactly* the same in Greek too.

And now suppose we want to say this in Klingon..

Option A: {qaSpu' QaQbogh vay'}.
Option B: (qaSpu' vay' QaQ).

As far as option A goes, all's good. But there's something weird with
option B; if I read {vay' QaQ} without translating it in english I
"feel" it ok. But if I translate it as "good something", it "feels"

So, I'd like to ask:

Meaning-wise, is the {qaSpu' vay' QaQ} a "normal" construction, or is
this klingon phrase as weird as saying "(a) good something has
happened" ?

~ mayqel qunen'oS

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