[tlhIngan Hol] placement of {-be'} relative to the {-pu'} and {-ta'}
sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Sep 18 17:09:04 PDT 2019
On 9/18/2019 6:03 PM, Will Martin wrote:
> As SuStel has suggested in the past, {-be’} doesn’t exclusively negate
> the single affix it follows. It negates the whole verb combined with
> any affixes between the verb and {-be’}.
What I have suggested is that the scope of *-be'* is not necessarily
just the element it immediately follows. I do not claim there is a
specific scope beyond that.
What we observe about *-be'* is that it can apply to just the
immediately preceding element, or it can apply to more than that.
*Hoch DaSopbe'chugh batlh bIHeghbe'*/Eat everything or you will die
without honor./ (PK)
This was clearly invented before Okrand decided you could put *-Ha'* on
adverbials. By a strict TKD reading, *batlh bIHeghbe'* means you will
not die, and that not dying will be honorable. But actually the *-be'*
is being applied either to just the adverbial /(not-honorably you will
die) /or the entire phrase preceding it /(it is not the case that you
will die honorably)./ The scope of *-be'* here is not limited to the
elements between the verb root and the *-be'.*
> I agree that {jISopbe’ta’} clearly means that I intended to not eat,
> and I accomplished the goal of not eating. The time span during which
> one evaluates whether or not I accomplish this goal is complete, and I
> still haven’t eaten.
The problem with the general analysis so far is that *-ta'* doesn't mean
/intended to do something;/ it means /perfective,/ and just carries an
additional connotation of having intended to do it. The primary job is
to make the verb perfective.
*jISopbe'ta'* means I set out not to eat and did not, in fact, eat. It
is looking back at my not eating and reporting that I completed it.
> I disagree with your interpretation that {jISopta’be’} implies that I
> intended to not accomplish the goal of eating. It just means “I did
> not accomplish eating.” The implication is that since I’m viewing the
> act of eating as an accomplishment, then most likely, my intent is to eat.
The expressed intent is to not eat. The goal that was accomplished was
not eating.
> The second option makes sense in the context of responding to the
> Southern question famous for compressing four syllables into two:
> “Jeet Jet?” (Did you eat, yet?)
To which the proper answer is "No, Jew?"
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