[tlhIngan Hol] use of {-'e'} in order to mark the topic of a discussion

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Sep 9 07:11:59 PDT 2019

On 9/9/2019 9:30 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> If a noun has the {-'e'}, when is it to be translated as "as for the
> (go figure)", and when is it to be translated as "GO FIGURE" ?

Okrand is inconsistent with these sorts of things; he doesn't always 
translate topic the same way, and he doesn't always translate focus the 
same way. In general these are examples of topic and focus, 
respectively. But it's not like the standard English method of giving 
focus is to put the words in all-caps. Topic and focus are somewhat 
interchangeable at times.

*-'e'* is always a topic when it's on the final noun in a "to be" 
sentence and when it's on a noun that is not a subject or object of the 
verb. It's usually focus or emphasis when it's on a subject or object.

Basically, topic is a word that describes the overall thing you're 
talking about. Focus or emphasis draws your attention to a specific word.


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