[tlhIngan Hol] noun-noun constructions and {-bogh} clause

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Oct 29 09:15:49 PDT 2019

On 10/29/2019 10:35 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> We know that we can't say:
> {HoS'e' nuv mung}
> for "the origin of the person of power"
> But can we say:
> {HoS'e' 'aghbogh nuv mung}
> for "the origin of the power which is displayed by the person" ?
> I know that the meaning isn't the same between the two examples, but 
> that's not important.
> What I'm wondering, is whether we can have a noun-noun construction, 
> where the first noun is part of a {-bogh} clause, marked (that first 
> noun} with a {-'e'}.
So far as I know, using *-'e'* to disambiguate a relative clause does 
not give us license to use it before another noun in a noun-noun 
construction. *HoS 'aghbogh nuv mung.*


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