[tlhIngan Hol] using {je} with two different verbs
mayqel qunen'oS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon Oct 7 07:57:36 PDT 2019
> But what is the difference in meaning
> between jISop 'ej jItlhutlh and jISop 'ej jItlhutlh je?
I can't say that I see any considerable difference between them.
Perhaps I *feel* the "I eat and I drink too" as being slightly more
emphatic, than the "I eat and I drink". But perhaps I'm influenced by
greek on this.
> What TKD example?
It's the {qaleghpu' je}.
> Going strictly by what's described in TKD, {jItlhutlh je} might
> be interpreted to mean "I (in addition to other people) drink",
> rather than "I drink (in addition to doing other things)". Is that
> a problem for you?
Well, it's not a major problem, but what led me to the question of
this thread, was whether we could use the {je} to express the "I drink
(in addition to doing other things)".
Just wondering, is all..
> In no example it is said that je can be used pointing at the action. If
> an action is listed, I'm sure that one should always use {'ej}, not {je}.
ok, thanks. Good to know.
- bara'qa'
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