[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Qatlh
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Oct 2 08:13:53 PDT 2019
Klingon word: Qatlh
Part of speech: verb
Definition: be complex
wIqIpmeH Qatlh'a'
Difficult to hit? (ST5 Notes)]
qIpmeH Qatlh'a'
Difficult to hit? (ST5)
Most difficult. (ST5)
motlh ray' luSamlaHmeH De' Qatlh cha' tlhIngan Duj jIH'a'
The main viewer on a Klingon ship is usually overlaid with a
complex target acquisition grid. (SP3)
(KGT 179): For example, among Klingons, a task that is difficult ({Qatlh}) is more highly valued than one that is easy ({ngeD}).
(KGT 159): the verb suffix {-qu'}, which is used for emphasis (compare {Qatlh}, difficult, and {Qatlhqu'}, very difficult).
(TKD 59): As in any language, Klingon sentences range from the very simple and straightforward to the very complex and convoluted.
(KGT 75): Wind instruments … range from the simple flute or fife ({Dov'agh}), generally crafted from a bone, to the highly complex {meSchuS}. This is a very large instrument, not at all easily moved from place to place, which consists of a network of interlocking tubes.
Qatlh slime devil (animal) (n)
DenIb Qatlh Denebian slime devil (n)
let be hard (as a rock) (v)
rotlh be tough (v)
nap be simple (v)
ngeD be easy (v)
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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