[tlhIngan Hol] duration to be used with the {qaStaHvIS}

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue Oct 1 08:11:21 PDT 2019

On 10/1/2019 11:06 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> Is there a minimum of time, which needs to be happening, for the 
> {qaStaHvIS} to be able to be used ?
> For example, can I say {qaStaHvIS wa' lup} ? Or do I need to use the 
> {qaStaHvIS} only in reference to longer durations of time ?
> I don't see any reason, for any restriction to exist, but I'd like to 
> make certain.

*qaStaHvIS wa' lup* is fine.

The choice whether to use *qaStaHvIS* or not isn't about the length of 
the time period; it's whether you're setting a time that something 
happened or describing how long something took.


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