[tlhIngan Hol] missing words from kli's "new words not in the original lexicon"
sustel at trimboli.name
Fri Oct 25 09:03:38 PDT 2019
On 10/25/2019 10:43 AM, Lieven L. Litaer wrote:
> it is true that we are the people who invented the term of canon and
> definied that it's all spoken or written by Okrand. Marc Okrand
> sometimes makes a small mistake while speaking Klingon, and thn
> immediately says "oh no, that's not a word". But if somebody asks "What
> is the word for X?" and he answers with an entire email explaining the
> word, it can definitely be seen as a canon word, such as happened with
> the word {wI'qIy}. Saying that this word should not be in the list
> because it's a borrowed word, would eliminate many others, like the
> country names, food names and several animals.
Voragh has reposted the note. Okrand didn't send an entire email
explaining the word; he sent a paragraph describing how Klingon doesn't
have its own word for /wiki,/ but transliterates the word we're familiar
with. (He's probably playing off the idea that /wiki/ isn't an English
word either, but a transliteration of a Hawaiian word, but in English it
has become a word of computer jargon.)
I haven't opined on whether *wI'qIy* or *qabpaq* should be on the new
words list, but I did point out already that all of our word lists,
including Okrand's own, are inconsistent in the treatment of proper
nouns. Excluding *wI'qIy* or *qabpaq* doesn't necessarily force the
exclusion of, say, *'epIl naH* or *DoyIchlan.*
The problem lies in the question of what the purpose of these lists is.
Is it to catalog every canonical word? Then all lists are woefully
inadequate. Where is the name *Qugh* on any of these lists? Why do the
names *torgh* and *matlh *appear on the KLI list but not *Qugh* or
*vIqSIS**?* Or is the point of the list to provide a list of actual
Klingon words? Then none of these names belong.
Neither the KLI nor Okrand has ever been particularly careful about
defining what should go in a list. This is something dictionary
compilers have to deal with all the time. Sure, a word is known in the
general population, but does everyone consider it a lexicalizable word
or just a transitory one? Is it something formally recognized by
grammarians or just something that pops up now and then? Language is
messy and doesn't lend itself to easy categories.
> Talking about {qabpaq}, we may sure argue if that word makes sense
> because this was only a personal message to somebody, but still, MO did
> use the word. In addition, this is not really a new words, it's a
> compound noun that we should use.
There's yer problem right there. "Should use." Okrand did not prescribe
the use of *wI'qIy**;* he said it's just a Klingon pronunciation of a
Federation thing that Klingons use from time to time. Okrand is
describing, not prescribing.
> If Okrand uses a word, and even writes it down, it surely is canon.
> That's what we decided many years agom.
Yes, but "canon" does not mean "should use." He gave us a very specific
and emphatic warning that *wI'qIy* is /not/ a Klingon word, but a
Klingon pronunciation of an English word.
Again, I have not opined on whether these words /should/ be included in
the word list; I am only interested in more clearly defining the issue.
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