[tlhIngan Hol] x nuq vs nuq x & 'Iv x vs x 'Iv

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Oct 9 10:51:25 PDT 2019

On 10/9/2019 1:13 PM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> There's the {nuq mI'lIj}, and there's the {nuq 'oH mI'lIj'e'}.
> Is the {nuq 'oH mI'lIj'e'} more "formal" than the {nuq mI'lIj} ?

Given that we know *nuqDaq puchpa'* is the clipped version of *nuqDaq 
'oH puchpa''e',* I would expect *nuq mI'lIj* to be the clipped version 
of *nuq 'oH mI'lIj'e'.*


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