[tlhIngan Hol] pI' ror qepHom 2019 info

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Sun Nov 17 08:42:06 PST 2019

Am 17.11.2019 um 17:10 schrieb mayqel qunen'oS:
> A little bird told me, that at the recent qepHom, new info were
> revealed, with regards to the words {pI'} and {ror}.
> However, this info, isn't in the wiki, hanging out with the other qepHom
> 2019 info.
> So, could someone add them there or here ?

I will, just give me few days to recover from our Klingon-Marathon. ;-)

--- quote begin ---
In TKD, there are two words defined as “be fat”: pI’ and ror. The basic
difference is that ror implies bulk due to body fat or the like, while
pI’ does not carry this connection. Either word can be used in most
contexts to convey the notion of “not thin,” but ror is more appropriate
when the idea is “not lean.” When ror is used to describe an inanimate
object, there’s usually a bit of anthropomorphizing
(klingonomorphizing?) going on, likening the object, however subtly, to
a person (or animal). Note also that “fat book” is usually translated as
paq qargh (literally “thick book” or “bulky book”), not paq pI’ or paq
ror. (Either of these might be appropriate if the book in question comes
to life as a character in a cartoon. Under those circumstances, using
-Du’ as the plural suffix for paq might also be expected.) 
--- quiote end ---

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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