[tlhIngan Hol] expressing "relationship" and "relation/related"

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Nov 15 02:25:43 PST 2019

> qaSpu'pa' 2016, HeySel, 'o'rIS je bopbogh
> {ruS} mu''e' wISovbe'!

hahaha !

qamerpu' De'vID, 'e' vISov..

'ach, wanI'vam taQ vIQIjlaHbe' je !

HeySelmey neH boplaH {ruS} mu', pa'logh reH 'e' vIHar..

qatlh jaSHa' jIHar ? jISovbe' !

'ISterlIng qIj
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