[tlhIngan Hol] the "get out" meaning of {lel}

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Wed Nov 13 06:53:24 PST 2019

On Wed, 13 Nov 2019 at 15:39, Steven Boozer <sboozer at uchicago.edu> wrote:

> The phrase {tIqDu' lel} was used at least three times in paq’batlh:
>   ngIq tonSaw' lo' 'ej tIqDu' lel
>   In one single move, he removed the hearts. PB
>   HughlIj 'uch qeylIS / DaH rolIjvo' tIqDu'lIj lellaH
>   Kahless grips you by the throat, He could rip your hearts out at will
> (PB)
>   molor cha' tIqDu' DuQchu' qeylIS ‘ej lel
>   Before Kahless struck his bat'leth Right into Molor’s hearts, ripping
> them out. PB

The first and third of those sentences are actually adjacent and should
probably be considered one example (p.168-9):

tugh qaStaHvIS rep wejDIch
    molor cha' tIqDu' DuQchu' qeylIS
    'ej lel
ngIq tonSaw' lo' 'ej tIqDu' lel
    ngIq tonSaw' lo' 'ej quvqa'
    ngIq tonSaw' lo' 'ej rIn may'
It was not long, by the third hour,
    Before Kahless struck his bat'leth
    Right into Molor’s hearts, ripping them out.
In one single move, he removed the hearts,
    In one single move, he restored his honor,
    In one single move, the battle was done.

> But there is another use of {lel}:
>   DaqtaghlIj yIlel qeylIS
>   Kahless, pull your d'k tahg (PB)

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