[tlhIngan Hol] additional new word: tanje'rIn

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Sun Nov 17 22:56:52 PST 2019

I'm not sure it was mentioned here, so sorry for double message.

In a Facebook post of November 16, Robyn Stewart told the story how
Okrand revealed the word for "tangerine", an orange like fruit.

     DaHjaj po tera' na'ran vISoplI' 'ach wIb 'oH. jIjatlh, wIbmo' tera'
na'ranvam, tera' na'ran wIb 'oHlaw' 'ach tera' na'ran wIb 'oHbe'.

     raSmajDaq paw marq 'oqranD 'ej tera' na'ran SopchoH ghaH. ghaHvaD
jIjatlh, wIb tera' na'ran vISoppu'bogh. wIb'a' na'ranlIj?

     jatlh marq, tera' na'ran 'oHbe'. tanje'rIn 'oH. (qaStaHvIS tup
{na'ranHom} qel 'ach mu' {tanje'rIn} wIv).

(TFW when Klingons use a more precise vocabulary set for Earth fruits
than I, a native-born Terran, do.)

     SKI: new Klingon word: tanje'rIn - the Earth fruit that Qov calls
an orange, but the kind that peels easily and breaks into segments
without getting juice on your fingers. (Facebook Post of Nov 16, 2019)

This message is now also stored in the Word part of the Wiki, as will
the other information as well soon:


Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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