[tlhIngan Hol] mu'mey chu' lutHom.

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Fri Nov 15 01:09:33 PST 2019

On Thu, 14 Nov 2019 at 22:50, Lieven L. Litaer <levinius at gmx.de> wrote:

> At qepHom 2019, Maltz has revealed some new words, and answered some
> questions. Here's a short story using the new words. Grammatical answers
> follow in a separate mail.
> qaStaHvIS qImroq tuj nuSuchta' matlh. Dochmey DIleghbogh Delta'. mu'mey
> chu' vIlo'mo', jIlaqlaw', 'ach laqlaq bIHbe'bej mu'meyvetlh. juHmaj Sep
> wIlengtaHvIS, SIntlher 'angweD wISuch. loqbogh Ha'DIbaH tIQ 'oH
> SIntlher'e', 'ej roD tInqu' bIH. loQ 'evta' tInqu' rur, chaq lung rur.
> ben law' bIH Qaw'mo' chunDab, taHbe' Ha'DIbaHvetlh tIQ. vaj loq bIH net
> jatlh.
> SIntlher cha'meH cha' mIw lutu'lu': Ha'DIbaH tlhut tu'lu'. bIH 'aghmeH,
> DIrDaj tlhutmoHlu' vaj tu'qomDaj leghlaH vay'. porgh qal'aq neH ghaj
> velqa'mey' 'op. Hom qal'aqvaD nobmeD ponglu'. DughrI' 'oH nach Hom pong'e'.
> 'ach pa' SIntlher velqa'mey neH lutu'lu'be'; 'an'ormey law'qu' lucha'lu'
> je. mu'vetlh vIQIj je: nagh mojDI' Ha'DIbaH, vaj 'an 'oH 'ej 'an'or moj.
> roD 'apbe' 'an'ormey, roD taw' bIH. Dochmeyvetlh tIQ HaD 'an'ortej.
> ghIq pay'rIn wISuch. pa' qachmey tIQ qappammey lumolHa'lu'ta'. roSqa'mey
> tu'lu' je. 'IHbe' Hoch qachmeyvam. Qaw'chu'lu' 'op, 'ej Dat naghmey
> lutu'lu': way'ar rurqu'.
> DorDI' lengmaj, DIS wISuch. 'ach DIS but 'oHbe'. DISvam lughaw Humanpu'.
> ngoDvetlhmo' De'lormey lutu'lu'be'. roD DIS but ravvo' pumDI' bIQ
> 'onroSmey, pa' bebDaq chen pa' beb De'lor, ravDaq chen rav De'lor.

If anyone needs help deciphering this, the new vocabulary from the
Saarbrücken qepHom'a' has been entered into {boQwI'}.

They're also on the wiki now:

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