[tlhIngan Hol] is this grammatically correct ?
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Nov 8 07:29:16 PST 2019
Some may prefer DIS to STD because of the common (at least in the US) abbreviation STD for "sexually transmitted disease". E.g. "Do you smoke? Drink? Any STDs?"
-----Original Message----------Original Message----------Original Message----------Original Message-----
From: Lieven L. Litaer
Anyone can do what they want; I just wanted to find a common agreement, to avoid a mixture like for Discovery, some people use STD, then the people at Memory Alpha abbreviate DIS, even though DSC has been offically proclaimed as the way to do it (but they also use the silly word "Klingonese" all over the place, so who cares)
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