[tlhIngan Hol] how do we say "from where did you ..."

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Nov 7 05:13:22 PST 2019

How do I say "from where did you send the envelope ?" ?

{nuqDaqvo' nav vaH DangeHpu' ?}

I don't think that's correct.

Or should I write:

{Daqvo' nav vaH DangeHpu'; nuq 'oH Daqvam'e' ?}

You sent the envelope from a location; what's this location ?


{Daqvo' nav vaH DangeHpu'; Daqvam yIngu'}

You sent the envelope from a location; identify this location

Perhaps the above are preferable, but can't I express the intended meaning in just one sentence ?

~ bara'qa'

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