[tlhIngan Hol] CALL: Klingon Language Wiki

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Sun Nov 10 01:10:54 PST 2019

Dear friends of the Klingon language,

you are certainly aware of the Klingon Language Wiki that I have been
working on for the past five years, as it's regularly quoted and some
people even go there to find answers.

Over the past few years, Maltz has revealed tons of useful information.
Adding new words lists is quite easy, but all of the grammatical details
is some more work (although not difficult).

The problem is: The wiki is no more up to date. In many places it says
"we don't know how to do that", "Need to ask Maltz", or "that's not canon".

That's why I call for assistance. Your help is not to improve "my" wiki.
Your help is to edit "our" database that's useful for all Klingonists of
the world, a reference to all useful information on the Klingon
language. That's why it's build up as a wiki: Everyone can edit.
Everyone can add details.

So, once you see that something in the wiki is definitely not correct,
please just click on edit and change it. We will all benefit from that.

wa' Dol nIvDaq matay'DI' maQap!
We succeed in a greater whole.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"
Admin of

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