[tlhIngan Hol] I changed my mind

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Thu Nov 7 07:56:50 PST 2019


Many years now, I've been saying that, "of all the star trek races, it's the klingons I like the least".

However, for some unknown reasons (kahless touched me ?), my mind changed..

Now, of all the star trek races, it's the klingons I like the most.

And I'm @!#! proud, to be using their language.


qaStaHvIS DISmey vorgh, pIj jIjatlhpu':

Segh law' 'agh Hov leng, 'op vIpar, 'a tlhIngan Segh vIparchu'.

'a, 'op meqmeymo' vISovbe'bogh, (muHotpu''a' qeylIS ?), choHchu'pu' vuDwIj..

DaH, jIjatlh:

Segh law' 'agh Hov leng, 'op vIparHa', 'a tlhIngan Segh vIparHa'chu'.

'ej Holchaj vIlo'mo', jIHem jay'.

~ bara'qa'

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