[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: ngam

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed May 29 07:14:19 PDT 2019

Klingon Word of the Day for Sunday, May 26, 2019

Klingon word: ngam
Part of speech: verb
Definition: adhere, stick 
Source: qep'a' 25 [2018]

(qep'a' 2018):  "with {-moH}, the object is the thing that’s stuck to or adhering to something else, marked by {-Daq}"

AFAIK never used in a sentence.

Hum 		be sticky (v)
jeD 		be thick, dense, viscous (v)

HIr 		be stuck (v)
(qep'a' 2018):  "like a stamp is stuck to an envelope or a spitwad is stuck on a wall"

DIy 		be stuck (v)
(qep'a' 2018):  "like when you can’t get a door open or a window open"

ngItlh 		be stuck (v)
(qep'a' 2018):  "like when your car is stuck in the snow or Santa is stuck in the chimney or a ring is stuck on your finger or a nail is stuck in a piece of wood and you can’t pull it out"

pab  		follow (rules, customs, etc.),  adhere to (v). E.g.

ghob pab 	be virtuous [idiom]

  batlh ghob yIpab 
  Adhere to virtue honorably. (TKW)

(TKW 57): The Klingon verb in the expression, {pab}, is here translated "adhere", but it is also used to mean follow, in the sense of following rules, suggesting perhaps that, though not officially laws, virtues should be followed as if they were.

  tlhIngan tIgh yIpab 
  Live the Klingon way (PB)  

qangtlhIn pab 	follow/adhere to a creed/ideology [idiom]

  vay' mIpmoHbe' DIvI'vam, 'ej Hov leng qangtlhIn pabchu'. 
  This organization does not enrich anyone (financially), and it perfectly follows
   the ideology of Star Trek. (PCHC 2016)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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