[tlhIngan Hol] Here kitty kitty.. Here kitty kitty..

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri May 24 13:08:02 PDT 2019

> SajvaD bIjatlhDI' Hol poD yIlo'.

bIlughbej ! ngoDvam vIlIjchu'pu' ! jIHvaD, ngoDvam DaqawmoHta'mo', qatlho'.

oh yes, you're right ! I've totally forgotten that ! Thanks for reminding

> vIghro’ tIQ wIrIch DaneHbe’’a’?!
> qaHarbe’.
> reH vIghro’mey rIchnISlu’.

hahaha !

bIlugh ! vIghro' tIQmo' jIHemqu' ! 'ej reH Depvam Dun wIrIchnISbej !
You're right ! I'm very proud of the ancient cat, and we definitely need to
be discussing this great being !

~ m. qunen'oS
narghtaHvIS DIvI' vIghro' DuHbe' roj
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