[tlhIngan Hol] Punctuation

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Tue May 21 11:26:17 PDT 2019

Am 21.05.2019 um 12:21 schrieb mayqel qunen'oS:
> 1. Why do I need to use angled brackets, to quote spoken words in
> klingon text ? If I want to say "michael said ancient cats are
> expensive", then I write the quotation after a comma. i.e. {jatlh
> mayqel, wagh vIghro'mey tIQ}. So, what's with the angled brackets ?

These angled brackets are a simple suggestion. Nobody says you must use
them, and also Marc Okrand did not use any quotation marks.

TKD uses this example {qaja'pu' HIqaghQo'} - "I told you, "Don't
interrupt me" without any marks.

For direction quotes, I would say you can use whatever you like, as long
as one can read it and understand it:

jatlh mayqel: targh vImuSbe'.
jatlh mayqel: >targh vImuSbe'.<
jatlh mayqel, targh vImuSbe'.
jatlh mayqel. <"targh vImuSbe'.>
jatlh mayqel. <<"targh vImuSbe'.>>

But still, I would suggest avoiding double quotes, as they look like
apostrophes: jatlh be' "'oH vIneHbe'".

In the translation of the Little Prince, I used these »chevrons«, but
they are to typo on regular keyboards.

> 2. What if I have a klingon name, which is a Ca'Non klingon word which
> actually means something ?

It depends on context, which will usually make it clear. If I say
{muSuch qurgh} I doubt you think I have been visited by vegetables. :-)

But anyway, the safer way would be to mark it with an asterisk. You
should also remember that these conventions were made so that beginners
can better ietify fake words and names. In regular writing, all of that
is not realy necessary.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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