[tlhIngan Hol] Morskan and the unidentified “regional dialect” in PK

Daniel Dadap daniel at dadap.net
Tue May 14 08:37:18 PDT 2019

> On May 14, 2019, at 10:21, nIqolay Q <niqolay0 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Word-final stops are also frequently unaspirated in English, though not as consistently as they are in consonant clusters with /p/. Does Dr. Okrand usually aspirate his word-final /p/s?

In the {haDba vISoP vIne} example, Dr. Okrand very clearly and emphatically aspirates the word-final {p} when delivering the corresponding {Ha'DIbaH vISop vIneH} phrase in Standard Klingon. I’ve not listened carefully enough to Dr. Okrand’s other performances of Klingon speech to know how consistent he is in aspirating /p/ in general, but it does seem more likely than not, to me, that the lack of aspiration was an intentional difference in this particular example and in {PuhIchwij DalegPu}, which features apparently non-aspirate /p/ in both word and syllable-initial positions. FWIW, the aspiration is again very clearly heard in the corresponding Standard Dialect {pu'HIchwIj Daleghpu'} example.

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