[tlhIngan Hol] doubly {-meH}ed nouns

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Tue May 14 08:33:30 PDT 2019

On 5/14/2019 11:21 AM, Jeffrey Clark wrote:
>> On May 14, 2019, at 10:05, mayqel qunen'oS<mihkoun at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> However, the intended meaning was "I will present for the chancellor a
>> thinning training program".
>> Then, based on the "romulan hunter-killer probe" Ca'Non, the thought
>> entered my mind to write:
>> {QangvaD, qeqmeH 'ej langmeH mIw vImuch}
>> I will present for the chancellor a process in order to train and in
>> order to thin
> In this construction, how does one differentiate between something with two purposes versus a purpose that is serving another one? Or does one just rely on context?
> Because it could be a process for training that also will make him thin (but the training is it’s own purpose and lacks a direct causal link to the thinning), or it could be a process that trains him with the explicit purpose that the training makes him thin.

The *'ej* gives the game away. It has to connect two verbal clauses of 
the same type, which means they can't be modifying each other. The only 
possible conjunction here is between the *qeqmeH* and the *langmeH,* so 
there's no chance that *qeqmeH* is modifying *langmeH.*

I wouldn't want to construct a sentence where one purpose clause 
modifies another purpose clause. Start nesting clauses too deep and they 
become hard to understand.


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