[tlhIngan Hol] And if I saw maltz today..

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue May 7 10:07:40 PDT 2019

'ej DaHjaj matlh vIlegh, net jalchugh, vaj vIyu'be'..

ghaHvaD, wa' HIvje' qa'vIn vIje', 'ej ghIq ghaHvaD jIjatlh, qatlho'..

And if I saw maltz today, I wouldn't ask him anything.

I would buy him a cup of coffee, and I would say "thank you".

..chaq, wa'leS muHoH lupwI', vaj matlhvaD potlhbejbogh ngoDmey vIDelnIS.

..because, perhaps tomorrow I'll be run over by a bus, so I'd need to tell to maltz, the things which really matter.

qatlho' matlh !

~ m. qunen'oS

klingon is a work of art

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