[tlhIngan Hol] What would you do ?

Daniel Dadap daniel at dadap.net
Fri May 31 07:47:42 PDT 2019

> On May 31, 2019, at 09:21, Alan Anderson <qunchuy at alcaco.net> wrote:
> Homophones permit ambiguity wherever they appear. They aren’t good examples of a potential for ambiguity due to the grammar.

Good point. The grammar is still a factor with homophone ambiguity, though, as it needs to allow multiple homophones that are different parts of speech in the same position. In both of the examples I gave, the homophones could have either been a noun acting as the subject of the sentence {'e'} refers to, or an adverbial modifying the sentence whose object is {'e'}. I think even without involving a homophone one would need to exploit the same positional ambiguity, e.g.

{Dor Hoghvam 'e' vIHaj} - “I dread that this week ends” OR “This week I dread that it (some other time period or event) ends”

I can’t think of other verbs besides {Dor} that can take a noun phrase that can act as a time stamp as their subject off the top of my head.

Or maybe an ambiguity involving a verb of speech marking a quotation:

{jatlh naH jajmeywIj 'e' vIQoy} - “I heard her say ‘my youth’” OR “In my youth I heard her speak”

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