[tlhIngan Hol] doubly {-meH}ed nouns

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue May 14 07:56:05 PDT 2019

Agreed.  Which is why, according to my notes, it was also called a {HoHwI'} for short in the "Star Trek: Klingon!" game (KCD).

These things are extremely lethal, having been programmed with the target's DNA.  They are small, capable of flying/hovering, relentless as they stalk their prey, and kill by injecting poison into their victim's heart.  In KCD Pok's father Torghn was killed by one when he jumped in front of Gowron, the intended target, at the last possible moment at Pok's {lopno'} celebration.  A similar flying assassination probe was also seen in the movie "Dune";  there the "hunter-seeker" was a remote-controlled device, not an autonomous self-guided probe as in KCD.

My notes say that someone on the List used {Sambogh 'ej HoHbogh nejwI'} for those remote-controlled explosive drones operated by terrorist groups and armies nowadays.  I rather like that name.  A drone that just spies on and tracks a target could be called a *{ghoqbogh 'ej ghochbogh nejwI'} - perhaps {ghochwI'} "tracker" for short.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

-----Original Message-----
From: mayqel qunen'oS

{romuluSngan Sambogh 'ej HoHbogh nejwI'} romulan hunter-killer probe

The above is Ca'Non.

And although its Ca'Non, I don't like it, let alone use it (or a construction like it..); it's bulky, and I'm a firm believer, that when writing something where you'll not provide the english translation, you need to "cut your throat" (greek idiom) in order to make it simple. You *owe* it to the reader, to produce easy and simple sentences.

Or he will just press delete, instead of wasting time, trying to make sense of your crap..

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