[tlhIngan Hol] Noun marked with {-'e'} at the beginning of the sentence
mayqel qunen'oS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon May 13 08:14:12 PDT 2019
> Cite your source.
The title of the thread was "[tlhIngan Hol] qep'a' cha'maH loSDIch New
words and some tidbits". Sent on: Saturday, July 29, 2017 3:57 AM
There, qurgh wrote:
"I asked about fronting nouns marked with {-'e'} as described in the TKD
Addendum. Marc said that {-'e'} fronted nouns are marked and it should only
be used in extreme situations. He said one could, if they wanted to, use
this all the time but it would be similar to an English speaking using
Shakespearean English all the time."
> They're not the same, though. If there are
> multiple ancient cats, the latter can mean
> "as for ancient cats, it is an alien".
Read the thread titled:
"noun with {-'e'} before the {... law' ... puS}" November 19 2018.
Because I'm replying from my phone, I can't find the direct links to the
> One is the way it's said; one is something
> you made up.
This is what I don't understand, (and I'm trying to):
Why in the {qIbDaq SuvwI''e'..} we *can* introduce the topic at the
beginning marked with {-'e'} and then follow with a comparative, but we
can't do the same without following by a comparative.
I'm not saying that we *can*; I'm saying that I can't understand *why* we
And believe me, I *do* want to understand.
~ m. qunen'oS
wewqu'taH *sith*pu' jul
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