[tlhIngan Hol] How do we say spring and autumn ?

Luciano Montanaro mikelima at gmail.com
Thu May 2 09:18:26 PDT 2019

I don't know an answer, and I am a beginner Klingonist to boot. I will
try to answer anyway...
Maybe they don't divide the seasons in the same way we do, and there
are two seasons only. Also, on Earth different latitudes have
different seasons... E.g. Rain season.
Otherwise, {qimroq ghung} could be used for both? Or {qimroq birHa'} /
{qimroq tujHa'}.
Or {qimroq Sud} / {qimroq Doq}.

On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 4:03 PM mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> In order to say winter we say {qImroq bIr}.
> In order to say summer we say {qImroq tuj}.
> (And pray that the reader doesn't live in the land of jumping bag animals, because he will understand the opposite of what we mean..)
> But how do we say spring and autumn ?
> ~ m. qunen'oS
> klingon is borg perfection
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Luciano Montanaro

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