[tlhIngan Hol] If only we could use twice to say..

nIqolay Q niqolay0 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 08:09:21 PDT 2019

*Qatlhqu'nISbe' mu'tlhegh.cha'logh boq'egh vIghro'lIj motlh 'IHtaHghach.
chen vIghro'wIj tIQ 'IHtaHghach.*

On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 4:43 AM De'vID <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 23:45, Daniel Dadap <daniel at dadap.net> wrote:
>> I wouldn’t expect anybody to accept these, but if we wanted to get
>> “creative”, possibly one or both of these might make sense:
>> {wa'vatlh vatlhvI'mo' vIghro'wIj 'IH law' vIghro' motlh 'IH puS}
>> {'IHqu' vIghro'wIj; cha'logh boq'egh vIghro' motlh; chen vIghro'wIj.}
> I'm assuming the first is based on these examples:
> {cha' DISmo' jIH qan law' SoH qan puS} "I'm two years older than you."
> {cha' 'ujmo' jIH woch law' SoH woch puS} "I'm two {'uj}es taller than you."
> But wouldn't it be {cha'vatlh vatlhvI'mo'...}? When you're dealing with
> percentages, you're not saying "100% more", you're saying "200% as"... I
> think.
> What about something like:
> {vIghro'wIj tIQ 'IH law', vIghro'lIj motlh 'IH puS; cha'logh 'IH}?
> I don't know what it means to be beautiful twice, either, but maybe it's
> twice as good as being beautiful once.
> --
> De'vID
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