[tlhIngan Hol] Verbs of measure

Daniel Dadap daniel at dadap.net
Fri Mar 29 07:11:56 PDT 2019

> On Mar 29, 2019, at 08:13, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:
> As for saying it more clearly, in case you haven't seen it, I think my own muSuj voqbe'ghachlIj is the most... ah... faithful translation.

'a qatlh “SujtaH voqghach HutlhghachlIj 'e' vISam” jatlhlaHbe' vay'?

(jIqIDba'. 'a ngoDvam SaSovnISbe'moH 'e' vItulbej. qabqu'ba' mu'tlheghqoqvetlh; loQ bIngan Hol rur. 'a Do'Ha' bIngan Hol qab law' mu'tlheghqoqvetlh qab puS.)
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