[tlhIngan Hol] bej and na' slang

qurgh lungqIj qurgh at wizage.net
Tue Mar 12 10:21:20 PDT 2019

The canon from KGT:

     {bej} ("be sure, definite, positive, certain")

     The verb {bej} literally means "watch," though its slang usage is
probably influenced by the verb suffix {-bej} ("certainly, undoubtedly";
compare {voq,} "trust," and {voqbej,} "certainly trust"). It is used in
such forms as {jIbej} ("I am positive [about something I just
said]"---literally, "I watch" [{jI-,} "I"]) or {bIbej'a'?} ("Are you
sure?"---literally, "Do you watch?" [{bI-,} "you"; {-'a',}  interrogative).
Unlike the verb {na'} ("be salty"), which has an identical slang meaning
(see below), the verb {bej} may be used when  there is an object: {HIvrup
'e' vIbej} ("I am positive they're ready to attack"; literally, "I watch
that they're ready to attack"; {HIv,} "[they] attack"; {-rup,} "ready";
{'e',} "that"; {vI-,} "I [do something to] it"). The notions expressed by
{bej} can be conveyed without slang with a word such as {Honbe'} ("not
doubt") or by making use of the verb suffix {-bej,} as in {HIvrupbej}
("They're certainly ready to attack").


On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 1:18 PM Daniel Dadap <daniel at dadap.net> wrote:

> > On Mar 12, 2019, at 11:41, mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I can't express it adequately in english.
> >
> > When we say a fact is certain, we mean that the fact is certain; it is
> actual, it can't be disputed.
> >
> > When we say jIbej, does it mean "I am certain", as in "I'm sure", or
> would it mean "I'm actual, undisputed, etc ?"
> >
> Ah, I think I understand your question now. It might help to re-ask it as
> something like “is the subject of {bej} a {ghot} who has no doubt, or a
> {ngoD} which can’t be disputed?
> To which I don’t know the answer, but my intuition is that it’s a person.
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