[tlhIngan Hol] new info on body movements

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Sat Mar 2 02:52:31 PST 2019

A bit more info in a follow-up, which reveals an additional verb.

{lav} v. lean, incline, slant

--- begin Q&A follow-up ---
[De'vID]> Can {ler} be used to mean "oscillate", like for a usual pendulum
(with the pivot at the top)? Or is it only used when the pivot is at the
bottom? Also, would a regular rhythm like that of a metronome be described
as {lerchu'}?

Yes. {ler} can be used for "oscillate," and it can be used for a pendulum
regardless of whether the pivot is at the top or bottom (or somewhere
else).  And {lerchu'} could be used for what a metronome does.  Maltz was
glad you asked these questions, because they reminded him of another word
(and helped clarify the meaning of this one).  The other word is {lav},
which can be translated "lean, incline, slant" and so on.  It means
something like "move to a slanted or angled position." The starting
position is often, but doesn't have to be, upright or perpendicular.  If
it's a person, the person's feet stay put (as with {ler}).  And, as with
{ler}, the pivot point can be on top (or somewhere else). The difference
between {ler} and {lav} is that {ler} is used for continuous swinging, back
and forth and back and forth (forward-back-forward-back, etc., or
left-right-left-right, etc.), while {lav} means motion in one direction
only, then the motion stops (though the stop can be very brief). Returning
to the upright (or earlier) position is {lavHa'}.  For both {ler} and
{lav}, the direction of motion doesn't matter (left, right, forward,

[De'vID]> Can I assume that {much} is used not just for commands, but also
statements? For example: {lol SuvwI'; mIl'oD much}.

--- end Q&A follow-up ---

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