[tlhIngan Hol] Because of this reason they are jealous..

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 13:14:32 PDT 2019

pa'logh, QInvam rurbogh QIn'e' vIghItlhta', 'a qay'be'; potlhmo' ngoDvam, jIghItlhqa'..

jatlh christian orthodox paQDI'norgh: Humanpu' ghal demonpu'.

maj.. 'a qatlh nughal demonpu' ?

wa' meqmo', nughaltaH:

paSchoHtaHvIS, HaSta jIH wIbejlaHmo', nughal demonpu'..

'ej HaSta jIH wIbejtaHvIS, pItSa' wISoplaHmo', nughal demonpu'..

~ mayqel jan qunen'oS

I find breaking the type-7 sao rule disturbing

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