[tlhIngan Hol] A clarification on DIl
sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Mar 7 07:43:10 PST 2019
On 3/7/2019 10:33 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:
> There is something I realized only recently, which I would like to
> discuss just to make certain.
> In english we can say, "In order to buy this ancient cat, we paid ten
> thousand euros" (and because someone had protested that no cat costs
> as much, I remind you that this cat is ancient..)
> Anyways..
> I recently realized, that if I write in klingon {vIghro'vam tIQ
> wIje'meH wa'netlh euros DIDIlta'}, then this likely means, that "in
> order to buy this ancient cat, we paid the ten thousand euros" i.e.
> "in order to buy this ancient cat we gave money to the ten thousand
> euros"
> Is this correct, or can we indeed say {vIghro'vam tIQ wIje'meH
> wa'netlh euros DIDIlta'} to mean "In order to buy this ancient cat, we
> paid ten thousand euros" ?
So far as I can tell, the object of *DIl* is the thing you are buying,
not the money you give or the person you give it to.
*vIghro' Daje'meH vIghro' DaDIlnIS. wa'netlh euro Danobqang'a'?
*/In order to buy the cat you need to pay for the cat. Are you willing
to give ten thousand euros?/
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