[tlhIngan Hol] chevchuqmoH

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Mar 5 07:19:56 PST 2019

But there’s this line from the paq’batlh”

   Qo'noS tuqmey muvchuqmoH qeylIS
   Kahless united the tribes of Kronos (PB)
The only other example of {-chuqmoH} I know of is {pujchuqmoH} “they weaken each other":

(st.klingon 11/1997):   Since {-moH} is a Type 4 suffix, if a suffix of Type 1, 2, or 3 is to be used (such as {-chuq} “each other” [Type 1] or {-nIS} “need” [Type 2]), it would precede the Type 4 {-moH}; for example, {pujchuqmoH} “they weaken each other” or {pujnISmoH} “he/she needs to weaken [somebody]”.

From: SuStel
On 3/5/2019 9:35 AM, mayqel qunen'oS wrote:

If we say:

{tlhInganpu' romuluSnganpu' chevchuqmoH qeylIS}

Then does this mean that "kahless separates the klingons from the romulans" ?

Or does it mean that:

"There is a group of klingons and romulans, kahless takes this group, and causes each member (regardless whether he's a klingon or romulan), to separate the other member (regardless whether he's a klingon or romulan)" ?

And don't axe me, what "causes each member to separate the other" actually means, because I don't know.

I don't think the sentence is meaningful. -chuq means the subject is plural and does the verb to each other. It doesn't work for the object.

tlhInganpu' romuluSnganpu' je chev qeylIS
Kahless separates the Klingons and the Romulans.



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