[tlhIngan Hol] Topic
sustel at trimboli.name
Mon Mar 4 09:54:34 PST 2019
On 3/4/2019 8:27 AM, Will Martin wrote:
> But when you look at canon, Okrand puts {-‘e’} on nouns that are
> subjects and objects and are placed in the word order accordingly.
> {nuqDaq ‘oH puchpa’’e’?} That’s not the topic. That’s the subject.
It certainly is the topic. /As for the bathroom, where is it?/ Okrand
goes out of his way to point out that *-'e'* in copulas can be
translated this way. *puchpa''e'* is the topic of the sentence. It's
also the subject, in Okrand's terminology. I actually think /topic/ is a
better term for it than /subject,/ because the topic in such a sentence
isn't actually /doing/ any verb.
> {De’’e’ vItlhapnISpu’.} While the placement COULD be explained as
> topic, the verb prefix {vI-} makes it obvious that this is the object
> of the verb. His translation, “I needed to get the INFORMATION,” makes
> it clear that this is emphatic, not topic.
I agree that this is emphasis. However, the prefix does not exclude a
possible topic reading: /As for the information, I needed to get it./
It's got an elided pronoun: *De''e' 'oH vItlhapnISpu'.*
Between this sort of equivalence, and Okrand's mixing up of the concepts
of topic and focus, I'm not sure how important the distinction is in
Klingon. Being a topic may automatically bring focus.
> In Klingon, were we to see a noun at the beginning of a sentence that
> has {-‘e’} on it and has no other grammatical explanation for its
> placement, I suggest that would indicate topic, while adding {-‘e’} to
> a noun that is placed as subject or object of a clause is acting as
> emphasis instead of topic.
A noun with *-'e' *at the beginning that isn't an object must be a
topic. A noun with *-'e'* somewhere else might or might not be topic.
Take, for instance, *HaqwI''e' DaH yISam*/Find the SURGEON now!/ On the
one hand, it seems to be describing emphasis. On the other hand, it
deliberately puts what was the object of the sentence *(DaH HaqwI'
yISam)* and puts it in front of the adverbial where it can't possibly be
interpreted as an object, but it /can/ be interpreted as a topic.
So is it just a migrated object that's just emphasized? Has it gone into
that "header" space of syntactic nouns and adverbials where it's acting
like a topic? /As for the surgeon, find him now!/ is a valid translation
of the sentence, and Okrand does say that the object has been
topicalized. I don't think you can deliver any pronouncements here; the
waters are too murky.
> As an example, when a relative clause has both subject and object, we
> optionally have the use of {-‘e’} to mark the head noun:
> puq qIppu’bogh yaS vIngu’.
> This could mean either “I identified the officer who hit the child,”
> or “I identified the child who was hit by the officer.” If I want to
> make sure you understand, I could say, {puq qIppu’bogh yaS’e’ vIngu’.}
> Note that Okrand often does not use this tool in canon, leaving
> context to suggest whether the subject or object of the relative
> clause is the head noun. To me, that suggests that this use is more of
> an emphatic than topic marker.
The disambiguating *-'e'* is strictly focus, not topic.
> Also, there is no grammatical explanation for how a noun could have a
> Type 5 suffix and yet its position in the sentence is not dictated by
> the rule that nouns with Type 5 suffix must appear before the object
> of the verb to which it applies. Obviously, there’s something going on
> here that Okrand has not described well.
The rule does not say that a noun with a type 5 suffix must appear
before the object. It says that nouns that appear before the object
usually have type 5 suffixes. We have lots of examples of nouns
appearing before the object that aren't marked with any suffix: they're
all time expressions (e.g., *DaHjaj nom Soppu'*/Today they ate quickly/).
> For myself, I would not be surprised if there were two different
> {-‘e’} suffixes. One is the one Okrand describes in the grammar
> section of TKD and the other is the one he uses in perhaps all of his
> canon examples. This second one is not a true Type 5 suffix because
> the addition of this suffix has no effect on word placement.
I think the difference between topic and focus or emphasis in Klingon is
simply not very sharp, and the ideas are related. It is always a true
type 5 suffix, though, because there is no prohibition against putting
type 5 suffixes on subjects or objects. You simply need a verb whose
arguments support such a notion. There is no difficulty in understanding
a verb whose subject or object include the syntactic notion of emphasis
or topic.
> There are really only two reasons for calling this a Type 5 suffix:
> 1. You can’t use it with other Type 5 suffixes.
> 2. It is always the last suffix on the noun.
3. It describes a syntactic role for nouns.
4. It migrates to the ends of verbs modifying nouns.
> So, the real question is which of the following is true:
> 1. There are two different noun suffixes, one of which is a true Type
> 5 suffix, affecting the word placement of the noun in the sentence,
> marking the topic of the sentence, and the other which is the noun
> equivalent of a verbal “rover” suffix (not that the suffix can rove
> among noun suffixes, but that the noun to which the suffix is applied
> can rove to whatever position in the sentence is appropriate,
> different than any other Type 5 suffix), indicating emphasis and not
> topic.
> 2. The grammatical description of {-‘e’} is fundamentally flawed
> because it fails to explicitly describe that {-‘e’} never affects word
> placement in the sentence as all other Type 5 noun suffixes do, and
> {-‘e’} acts ONLY as emphatic and NEVER as topic. Okrand is apparently
> confused about the grammatical difference between topic and emphatic,
> or he oddly decided that while he understands the difference, his
> target audience doesn’t understand the difference, and perhaps we
> would understand the word “topic” while we would be confused by the
> term “emphatic”.
3. *-'e'* works pretty much like every other syntactic noun suffix,
applying a syntactic role to its noun. That role can be interpreted as
emphasis, focus, or topic, depending on how it's used. The fact that
it's a required role in an unusual position in the copula construction
doesn't change its nature; that's a quirk of copulas, not of *-'e'.*
I think you're trying to force Klingon to conform to patterns you've
already decided on, but it's not that rigid. Dare I say that Klingon is
not a code?
> In any case, this is without question the least well described suffix
> in TKD.
*-ghach* is the least-well described suffix in TKD. It has subsequently
been better described. *-meH* is also a contender for problematical
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