[tlhIngan Hol] Betrayal hurts because of a simple reason
mayqel qunen'oS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 09:02:40 PST 2019
qaStaHvIS yIn, rut numagh nuvpu'.
'ej wanI'vam wISIQDI', 'oy'. 'a qatlh 'oy' ?
gher'IDmeyDajmo', 'oy''a' ? ghobe'.
nuvpu'vam DIvoqta'mo', 'oy'. DIlajta'mo', 'a numaghta', 'oy'.
pagh voqchu'ghach tu'lu'chugh, vaj pagh maghta'ghach tu'lu'.
if there is no trust, there can be no betrayal
~ changan qIj
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