[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: 'ul

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Mar 4 07:17:16 PST 2019

Klingon Word of the Day for Monday, March 04, 2019

Klingon word: 'ul
Part of speech: noun
Definition: electricity

  chIch vay' 'oy'moHmeH 'oy'naQ 'ul law' tlhuD 'oH. 
  Painstiks... emit a highly-charged shock for the express purpose of inflicting pain. S32

(KGT 65):  the painstik, {'oy'naQ}, a long staff that emits a powerful (and painful) jolt of electricity ({'ul}). Though not an implement of ancient origins (its use of electricity attests to that)...

At qep'a' loSDIch Okrand confirmed to Qov the suspicion of a list member about its origin:  Electronic goods sold in the US have a sticker on them saying UL ("Underwriter's Laboratory") showing they meet industry safety standards. 

HoS 		energy (n)
pe'bIl 		lightning (n) 

tlhuD 		emit (energy, radiation) (v)
Huj 		charge (up) (v)
rIH 		energize (v)
ngIng 		have a negative charge (v)
ruS 		have a positive charge (v)
pan 		spark, emit sparks (v)
raw 		lightning (v)

  The Companion in the Gamma Canaris region who rescued Zefram Cochrane was a cloud-creature consisting of ionized mixture of gases and "simple electricity".  (TOS "Metamorphosis")

  "Some creatures can pass energy through their bodies with no harm to themselves; the electric eel on Earth. The giant dryworm of Antos IV. The fluffy… " (Chekov, TOS "Who Mourns for Adonais?")

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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