[tlhIngan Hol] two type-5 on a {-bogh} phrase

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Jun 26 06:25:02 PDT 2019

On 6/26/2019 9:17 AM, Lieven L. Litaer wrote:
> Am 26.06.2019 um 14:48 schrieb mayqel qunen'oS:
>> Out of curiosity, since I can't think of an example..
>> Lets say we have a {-bogh} phrase, e.g. {bartIq leghbogh vIghro'}.
>> Is there a rule which prohibits, one of the nouns having a type-5, e.g.
>> {-'e'}, *and* at the same time the other noun having a type-5 too, e.g.
>> {-mo'}, {-Daq}, {-vo'}, {-vaD} ?
> I don't know such a rule:
> {bartIqDaq bachbogh vIghro'mo' jIHagh.}
> Why not? 

I think what he means is that the type 5 suffixes apply to the relative 
clause as a whole, not to noun phrases added to the relative clause.

For instance, you can say *bartIqDaq leghbogh vIghro' jIba'*/I sit on 
the branch that the cat sees./ The *-Daq* on the head noun turns the 
entire relative clause into a locative.

What mayqel seems to be asking is whether you could add another type 5 
to the other noun in the relative clause and also have that apply to the 
main clause. For instance, *bartIqDaq leghbogh vIghro'mo' jIba'.* I 
don't think this works, because it would make the relative clause, which 
is a noun phrase, have multiple syntactic roles, which is generally 


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