[tlhIngan Hol] New words from "Miniatur Wunderland"

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Thu Jun 20 04:20:19 PDT 2019

Am 20.06.2019 um 12:20 schrieb De'vID:
>     {tIHmey} n. "railroad tracks"  [based on tIH "shaft of speer"]
> Does {tIH} mean one rail, or one track (i.e., a pair of rails)?

I don't have much information, but I was told that "they travel on

As the word is obviously based on the word for shaft of speer, I think
that a railway track has two tIHmey, i.e. 2 rails.

The other question is, if there is a monorail, would that be a {tIH} -
or is the idea still having multiple tIHmey added ina  row, touching
with the ends?

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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