[tlhIngan Hol] Expressing "middle ages".

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Jun 28 08:36:44 PDT 2019

(continuing from another thread)

> Consider using {bov} “era” for this
> meaning of "ages".

Sometime in the past, I'd toyed with "how to express middle ages".

After googling "middle ages", to find out *when* the middle ages actually
was, I came up with "time period between 476 c.e. and 1453 c.e.".

So, I thought of saying something like:

{qaSchoH tera' DIS loS-Soch-jav, ngugh qaSchoH bov potlh, 'ej qaSchoHDI'
tera' DIS wa'-loS-vagh-wej, Dor bovvam potlh}


{qaSchoHDI' tera' DIS loS-Soch-jav, qaSchoH bov potlh, 'ej qaSchoHDI' tera'
DIS wa'-loS-vagh-wej, Dor bovvam potlh}

And from that point on, resuming the passage by referring to the middle
ages as {bov potlh} or {bov qab}, or by any other adjective I'd used in the
original description.

But in the end, I didn't know, if after all these {qaSchoH}, {qaSchoHDI'},
and {Dor}, the meaning would have indeed become clear to the reader.

Of course, if anyone has any ideas on the matter, then, qeylIS knows, I'd
like to read them..

~ khkhhk
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