[tlhIngan Hol] Difference between {rIp} and {yej}
mayqel qunen'oS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Jun 25 07:25:41 PDT 2019
> You can probably use them interchangeably for a particular council or
> assembly for which a word hasn't already been established, but once you've
> made the choice, you shouldn't switch. For example, you shouldn't suddenly
> refer to the *{qupyej} or the *{rIpquv} if you've already established these things
> are called {quprIp} and {yejquv}.
What I'm wondering about, isn't whether I could rename the {quprIp} to
{qupyej}, or the {yejquv} to {rIpquv}.
I'm wondering whether I can use on their own and interchangeably the
{rIp} and {yej}.
vIghro' tIQ wIje' 'e' bot rIp
the council/assembly prohibited us bying an ancient cat
vIghro' tIQ wIje' 'e' bot yej
the council/assembly prohibited us bying an ancient cat
1st question:
Can I use {rIp} and {yej} in this way ? (i.e. on their own; not being
a part of a composite noun)
2nd question:
Do both of the above sentences mean the same ?
~ m. qunen'oS
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