[tlhIngan Hol] Difference between "all X" and "all of X"

mayqel qunen'oS mihkoun at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 07:44:06 PDT 2019

> Once again your noun-scoping defies my senses.
> I would say this Hoch vIghro' mutmey all species of cat.

I too, like much more the solution of {Hoch vIghro' mutmey}, which you suggest.

And in the past, I've though of placing the {Hoch} in the first
position of a N-N-N construction, but here is another thing that
confuses me.

At the {Hoch vIghro' mutmey}, doesn't the {Hoch} *have* to act *only*
on the {vIghro'} ? Doesn't the meaning *have* to be "the species of
each cat" ?

I think, something similar has been discussed in the past, but I still
have trouble understanding whether the {Hoch} can act "simultaneously"
on both the nouns that follow it, or whether it *has* to act only on
the noun that is immediately next to it.

~ m. qunen'oS

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