[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: magh
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Jun 4 07:56:44 PDT 2019
I don't have anything else listed for *{magh}.
The KLS example phrases for the verbs were usually just one word. E.g.
Dogh be foolish
"Quality, to be lacking in good sense, or to be frivolous." (KLS)
- bIDogh You are silly. (KLS)
Dun be wonderful
"Quality, to be outstanding, or worthy of admiration." (KLS)
- maDun We are wonderful. (KLS)
As De'vID mentioned, although the extended definitions were not written by Okrand but by KLS staff, the examples were seen by him: IIRC if you clicked on one you would hear Okrand pronounce the word. In a few cases this was useful in determining transitivity when one of the "object prefixes" was used. E.g.
DuQ stab
"Verb, to strike at with a sharp object... refers to a thrusting motion made
by a pointed weapon, usually a knife." (KLS)
- qaDuQ I stab you. (KLS)
Most of the time however it was obvious that the English verb was transitive, even if the Klingon verb was otherwise unattested in canon at the time. I wrote them down because at the time - the 1990's I believe? - what little we had information we had was better than nothing. Nowadays we have a LOT more canon to look at and discuss.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lieven L. Litaer
Am 04.06.2019 um 15:18 schrieb Daniel Dadap:
> Out of curiosity, how was the word used there?
The Klingon Wiki usually has the answers:
The words in there were just displayed as word plus definition, and a phrase; nothing more.
-----Original Message-----
From: De'vID
The Star Trek Continuum website "helpfully" "expanded" the definition of "betray" using a thesaurus. This was done by someone who was neither Marc Okrand nor familiar with the Klingon language.
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