[tlhIngan Hol] ghoS and {-vo'}

Daniel Dadap daniel at dadap.net
Thu Jun 13 16:15:46 PDT 2019

> On Jun 13, 2019, at 08:59, SuStel <sustel at trimboli.name> wrote:
> DaqvamDaq yIghoS (commanding multiple people)
… poD vay' …
> Meanwhile, DaqvamDaq peghoS would mean that while you are in this place, you should go somewhere.

Thanks. That matched my understanding.

I’ve seen “locative” used for {-Daq} before but until your recent message I don’t think I’ve seen “ablative” for {-vo'}. Is this a common convention, or just something that you use personally? Could {-vaD} be described as “dative”, using this same alien grammatical terminology? Maybe causal for {-mo'}?

I was about to also wonder if one could imagine a null syntactic marker (like the null prefix) for nominative and accusative, but that wouldn’t be right, since both of those can take {-'e'}.
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