[tlhIngan Hol] two {-bogh} joined by {'ach}.
mayqel qunen'oS
mihkoun at gmail.com
Tue Jun 25 06:03:07 PDT 2019
We have the Ca'Non:
{romuluSngan Sambogh 'ej HoHbogh nejwI'} (n) romulan hunter-killer probe
Now, forget it and read this:
"don't be afraid to face people who can kill the body, but can't kill the
And now read the following:
{porgh luHoHbogh nuvpu' 'ach qa' luHoHlaHbe'bogh tIbamvIpQo'}.
{porgh luHoHbogh 'ach qa' luHoHlaHbe'bogh nuvpu' tIbamvIpQo'}
{porgh luHoHbogh nuvpu' 'ach qa' luHoHlaHbe'bogh nuvpu' tIbamvIpQo'}
Are the above correct ?
And don't tell me to rephrase. I'm allergic to rephrasing.
~ m. qunen'oS
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