[tlhIngan Hol] What does {Du' naH} mean exactly ?

DloraH seruq at bellsouth.net
Thu Jun 20 14:45:31 PDT 2019

On Thu, 20 Jun 2019 14:59:31 +0200
"De'vID" <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 20 Jun 2019 at 13:37, mayqel qunen'oS <mihkoun at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > SapIr:
> > > I realize I'm jumping in late and may be missing earlier context,
> > > but in this particular instance I suspect you're thinking of a
> > > different meaning of "sterilize". The Klingon word {Say'qu'moH}
> > > presumably does *not* mean "to render incapable of reproduction"
> >
> > This meaning of "sterilize", never came to my mind.
> >
> > My confusion with {Say'moH} being given as "sterilize", instead of
> > "make very clean", had to do with the fact, that in order to make
> > lets say the cat very clean, you give it a good bath. But in order
> > to sterilize it, you need after the bath, to apply on it alcohol,
> > iodine solution etc.
> >
> Some of the glosses given to us are just "convenience" definitions so
> that ideas which may be expressed as something other than a simple
> word in Klingon (e.g., a verb with suffixes, or a sentence) can be
> looked up more easily. It's like {jeS 'e' Sap} for "sign up (for an
> event)" or {mebpa'mey} for "hotels".
> Considering that {Say'qu'moH} was glossed as "sterilize" among other
> medical/scientific terms such as {Hergh QaywI'}, {tuj muvwI'},
> {'uD'a'}, {'uD Haqtaj}, and {woj}, I'm fairly confident that it just
> means that a Klingon doctor calling to sterilise an operating table
> or room would say {Say'qu'moH} "make (the table or room) *very*
> clean" and be understood, because *in that context* that's what
> making very clean would mean.
> It doesn't mean that if your dirty cat tracked mud all over my
> Bird-Of-Prey, and I tell you to {vIghro'lIj Say'qu'moH jay'}, that I
> expect you to apply alcohol and iodine to it.

I wonder how [Say'chu'moH] or [Say'chu'qu'moH] would fit into this.

- DloraH

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